Monday, December 17, 2007

Skinny Banana Pancakes with Walnut & Mascarpone Cheese Topping

Skinny, because I can't flip the other!
My friends think I'm lucky that frosted cakes or cream and sugar decorations don't tempt my fancy. Though I like to spend time admiring those kinds of edible works of art, I can't seem to cajole myself to eat more than a bite of them, I like 'em plain.

But Mascarpone is another story :) I like to keep a container of Mascarpone cheese with me at all times, if possible ;) It is something that I enjoy, and yes I know it is 75% fat or something like that :) Purists may scoff at my use of Mascarpone, but I'll let you in on a food secret of mine, after all, my blog, my rules ;) I like to have blob of mascarpone with some sugar as my quick shrikhand! I find it too irresistible :)

In this recipe I've mixed up mascarpone with some sugar and ground me on this one, try it and lemme' know ;)
Skinny Banana Pancakes with Walnut & Mascarpone Cheese Topping

Banana Pancake
1/3 cup all purpose flour / maida
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
2 tbsp semolina/sooji
2 bananas, mashed
2 tsp walnut powder
buttermilk to make the mix
1/2 tsp elaichi/cardamom powder
1/2 tsp baking soda/Eno fruit salt
pinch salt
Oil for shallow frying
1. Mix all to get a pouring consistency like a regular pancake.
2. Heat a griddle and spray some oil.
3. Pour 1/3rd cup of the mix and swirl the pan to spread the batter.
4. After 3/4 minutes flip the pancake and drizzle oil around the edges and cook till done.
5. Make all pancakes.
Walnut Mascarpone Topping
4 tbsp mascarpone (OR as per your liking)
2 tbsp walnut powder (coarse)
1 tbsp sugar (as per taste)
Mix all.
To serve:
Serve Banana Pancakes with a dollop of Walnut Mascarpone topping!

So, how do you like your Mascarpone cheese? :)


  1. I don't care if it is skinny or fatty i love them, i mean the pancakes :-)))

  2. My daughter loves pancakes and very happy to find a banana pancake recipe without eggs..
    walnut and mascarpone cheese topping is new to me. will try it sometime. thanks.looks very nice.

  3. wow richa, these look very nice:0 surely a treat while watching your weight:D

  4. What a treat... everyone is allowed to have their indulgences right... mascarpone is yours :) And it is holiday season, if we don't put on some weight now, what other new year resolutions can we make... ;)

  5. oh i know too well what you mean about mascarpone....but a little goes a long way.

  6. thanks prema! do try, it has a nice banana flavor and the topping is just yummmmm :)

  7. thanks mansi! do ty it this year ;)

  8. thanks sig!
    yup, it is just too irrestible :)
    will think about resolutions some other

  9. thanks tc! so u too in the mascarpone boat he!he!
    yup, a lil' goes a long way....;)

  10. Nice pancake recipe Richa! I too make this but with some differences..WIll try this version next time!
    mascarpone cheese new to me...Enjoy !!

  11. great recipe. and great idea for a quick shrikhand. who doesnt love that, right??

  12. The recipe is unique and sounds great! Pancakes look lovely...topping is nice

  13. yumm, i can't say no to this pancake

  14. Mae banana panckaes before, but never had mascarpone cheese ... WOnderful recipe...

  15. thanks raks! do lemme' know if u try. you can look out for mascarpone next time when u go grocery shopping :)

  16. thanks vimmi!
    yup, can't resist for sure :)

    thanks namratha!
    yup, bananas work so well in multiple dishes and add a certain softness as well.

  17. thanks ti!
    do try, enjoy.........

  18. thanks kalva!
    yeah, it is fun to conjure up such yummy combinations :)

  19. i hear ya abou mascarpone. try mkascarpone with bittersweet chocolate (melted) equal parts. it makes great cake frosting.

  20. I'm not good in resisting sweets or high calorie foods. Now I've fallen a victim to your pancakes with that mascarpone. Looks very very delicious.

  21. Mascarpone with sugar was my secret for srikhand as well!!

    Great combo with banana pancakes

  22. heh heh, i know what you mean, but my worst way of having mascarpone is whipped with some sort of alcohol, preferably Amaretto and the likes! ;-)

  23. Noel would definitely love these pancakes!! They look so delicous!! and hey its ok once in a while in indulge into my favs!!

  24. mascarpone cheese? hmm. dont know if i have tasted it at all.. pancakes look lovely!

  25. Love your pancakes. Look so filling & awesome

  26. Banana, walnut powder and cardamom - lovely. Mascarpone tastes like ricotta cream cheese to me. I like a spoonful drizzled with honey, just enough to feel indulged w/out being reckless. Of course, I do enjoy being reckless, too. : )

  27. these look delicious and no eggs in them...yummy! ur and trimmed..kya..abhi tak no snow for u guys!!

  28. mascarpone and chocolate has to be my favourite (i've never made anything with mascarpone myself though)

  29. Richa, the kids demand for banana pan cakes almost every weekend..they love it drizzled with for the mascarpone, I hear you...let you in on a secret, I too indulge in spoonfuls of it...just yesterday, I topped my bread with a great dollop of it and gorged on it :-)...some things are simply irresistable :-D

  30. thanks bee! hmmm now that's something i'll try :)

    thanks kribha! yup, some things are far too irrestible to miss :)

    thanks coffee! now now, looks like i've plenty company in this matter of great importance :)

  31. thanks shilpa!
    now u r talking

    thanks padmaja! indulgence it sure is :)

    thanks nags!
    yup i too did not see it back home, but who knows it might be available in bombay somewhere for sure :)

    thanks shella!
    glad u liked them dear.

  32. thanks susan!
    ricotta cream cheese? r u talikng about ricotta cheese and cream cheese together or is it some kind of a cheese? need to find out, sounds yummmm :)

    thanks rajitha! this pic was taken earlier, now it is not this color :) nahi re, we already got snow couple of times, nothing much though, not that i'm complaining :)

  33. thanks kakshmi! same pinch to ya then :)

    thanks sunita!
    u! now i don't feel that guilty after all, i see so many of my fav foodies desparately stuck in the same boat he!he!

  34. wonderful pancakessss looks so delecioussssss that slight melting chesse makes mouth watering

  35. Nice pancakes, Richa! I like the topping too. I too use mascarpone cheese a lot. My fav way to use it is along with fruits and with some roasted nuts sprinkled on the top. :-)I have a recipe on my blog if u are interested...

  36. This one looks delicious!!!!! Always on the look out for eggless recipes.. thanx! :)

  37. yum! Pancakes look delightful...'aamchya hyanna' nakki aavdel! :)

    Mascarpone srikhand...must try it sometime...i don't see why it would not taste good :)
    Sometimes we just stuff some mascarpone in dates and eat them as dessert (my hubby's idea)...its simple & rich!

  38. Ooh the pancakes are lovely and banana walnut pancakes are something I like and make often. However, this mascarpone cheese topping is too good. Great idea Richa. I just make tiramisu everytime i lay my hand on this.. next time shall consult with you. :)
    Sorry about commenting so late. I haven't been able to see FBD.

  39. I'm not tempted either but I have to say that these pancakes have a great pull to them :)

  40. Oh, Richa! Even without the *rich* marscapone topping, those pancakes sing! Absolutely yummy in every way. And they look beautiful with the great outdoors backdrop :)

  41. thanks sagari!

    thanks tbc! will check out ur recipe :)

    thanks ramya! do try, yeah i wanted to make an eggless pancake and this worked well :)

    thanks tee!
    tuzhi idea avadli, nakki try kareen :)

  42. thanks laav! yup tiramisu comes to mind when u think of mascarpone, but it is really versatile :) can use it so often :)
    and don't worry about late commenting yaar, no big deal! enjoy sweetie....

    thanks cynthia! so i succeeded in tempting you :)

    thanks linda! yup, i too love the backdrop, though it is no longer possible to sit out there in this weather :( gotta' wait a while before that can be done :)

  43. Hi Richa ,

    I want to tell you that your blog is very beautiful, and I am one of your readers.
    I discovered today that your blog content is stole by member on this forum:

    and the member name is (enigma_sher).
    she copy your Original Recipes,Photos, and Text and repost it there.

  44. Mmm ... the walnut mascarpone topping looks really decadent. I'm tempted to try with a dash of liqueur - maybe amaretto?

  45. so wholesome pancake,richa. With all those ingredients in it..sure is a winner :) Happy holidays !

  46. Great use of this cheese. I am dying to get this cheese in india to make the famous tiramisu, i am sure i will go steal it from the 5 star hotel.
    Hey btw, if you noticed both of us posted similar pankes :) at the same time. What like minded thinking. What plan for new years? Any cocktail recipes ahead?

  47. the melted topping looks so yummy!

  48. Not a big fan of pancakes but recipe and picture looks great.

  49. Your pancakes look great - and no eggs too. They are really tempting. Ganesha's blessings for a happy new year and holiday season.

  50. Hey Richa, just popped in to wish you Fabulous New Year ahead (in case I don't get to it later).

  51. OMG that is SO SO SO divine!! I'm making this!

  52. Hey Richa , Happy new year to you and your family.

  53. In fact walnuts are dry fruits in both the botanical and culinary sense. :) thanks for leaving the link Richa. This is indeed a very good recipe with "dry fruit" as the star.

  54. loved that you used the mascarpone as a topping! so creative!
