Wednesday, February 27, 2008

C'est mon anniversaire blog!! As Dear As Salt turns ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C'est le temps de célébration!!!!! C'est mon anniversaire blog!!
As Dear As Salt turns ONE !!!!!
Sounds better in French, doesn't it ;) It is celebration time :)
Blogging - one of those things that exceeded my expectations!!
Definitely more than the sum of it's parts. What's not to like? I found a place to profess my love(!), unabashedly, for a topic so close to my heart - FOOD! Had to happen someday, after all have been eating since as far back as I can remember ;)
I believe the kitchen is the central place for a family, 'You Are What You Eat' ! All the good memories are centred around food and nothing gives me more pleasure than making good delicious food for my family and friends. I love to see the happy faces when they taste the food I make :) Talking about food gives me the goose
I've blissfully spent a great deal of "free" time blogging away this past year and I've a good feeling about 2008!
It was on an impulse that I started blogging and the warm and fuzzy feeling never dwindled after that. I found it to be a creative outlet for my love of cooking, savoring and writing. I thought it would be a good way to put my camera-phone to some good use ;)
I never could have imagined the grip it can have on you, am talking about the positive aspect here ;)
I find it so mystifying that relationships develop with many over food and a peek into their kitchens brings me immense pleasure, something that cannot and will not be equated with anything else :)

Sure some months saw as many as 19 posts and some saw as few as 2, but every post is very close to my heart and you all made it all the more fun :)
I soon found that blogging is such a fun and creative way to connect with like minded people, call it food obsessed ones ;) Also, the fact that you have never met all those who comment on your blog (bare a few) makes it even more mysterious and fascinating, and boy do i like the mystery!!!!
Along the way, I picked up some delicious recipes,
educated myself with some new tips, tricks & ingredients,
learnt more about different cuisines,
heard some heart warming stories,
picked up quite a few awards,
participated in events,
was directed to some great nutrition blogs,
saved millions$$ on electrical bills, after zeroing in on a blog recipe I stopped staring at my open refrigerator for hours at end thinking what to make ;),
upped my patience for photographing & writing AND
most of all indulged in ALL the comments you lovingly left me :) Thank You for your encouragement & feedback!
Some of the chefs who have their own blogs whip up such mind blowing stuff, I like to spend a lot of time ooh-ahing over their creations!
As is natural in any walk of life, one gets close to people you start out with & are able to relate well with them ;). A shout out to my friend Archana of Tried & Tested recipes for her support & encouragement, unfortunately she has stopped blogging in recent times, hope she comes back soon :) It sure has been a fun ride.
So, here's to blogging and more fun times at As Dear As Salt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesss, that is what I would like to celebrate with, to commemorate one memorable fun filled year of blogging at As Dear As Salt :)
Here I've put together three of my favorite things for ya :) All you incredible cooks don't need a recipe for this one, or do you ;)


  1. Congratulations, Richa!! Looking forward to more awesome posts in the future. Apricots look delicioso! :))

  2. Congratulations Richa dear, the apricots are perfect for the occasion :)

  3. Oye balle balle! Congratulations to you on a fabulous year, and look forward to many more. I thought peaches were among your three favorite things, clearly I don't know you that well. :-))

  4. thanks et!
    u know me well enough kudiye', peaches r my seasonal fav ;) the thing is i love all fruits .....
    balle balle....

  5. Congratulations, girlie! Wish you many many more years of fun with blogging!

    The awesome-threesome in the picture is awesome indeed :). All favorites packed in one, eh :).


  6. thanks musy!
    hope to keep it up for a long time :) good to know u liked the trio, sweetie.

  7. Well written post Richa darling...Congrats on a fantastic year! Wish you many many years of fun blogging and new friendships ahead... Love the little treats... perfect for your day... :)
    and this means that I have known you for almost a year now, because we both were pretty "young" bloggers when we first met... :D

  8. Congrats on the blogs first B'day! Its a big day & time to celebrate.. Aricots looks so perfect & super cute. Wishing you many more happy Blog Anniversaries.

  9. congrats on completing a year and having a rocking blog at the end of it :)

  10. Felicitations! (That's to be read the French way, hein!) May you blog long and hard. Love the choc-pista topped apricots!

  11. congrats Richa! Happy 1-year b'day madam!:) and good luck for turning older:D

  12. Congrats! Ye multilingual one.
    Like ET, I was surprised at not seeing a peach in this post.
    Blog on!

  13. Hey hearty congratulations and all ..I love this space..great going and keep going..looking forward to many more years of yummy dishes to get popped out of your kitchen...

    yeah abt archana..miss news..hope she gets back to blogging!

  14. apricots either dried or fresh ....great place here..

  15. lol @ saved millions$$ on electrical bills, after zeroing in on a blog recipe I stopped staring at my open refrigerator for hours at end thinking what to make ;)
    dont we all after we started food blogs :)
    congrats dear girl for completing a wonderful year. as dear as salt is dear to all of us. keep up the good word and i am hopeing to see many more years of delicious recipes to come from ur blog with wonderful write-ups:)
    sending u a tight hug:)

  16. Congrats, Richa! :) May your blog (and you) live forever! :)

  17. hi richa!! congratulations !! you have a rocking blog sweet heart...looking forward to more wonderful recipes and wish you many many more.all the best:))

  18. Hi Sweetie!!
    Congrats for completing an year and those sweet apricots do make it all special!!Here's to many many more to come

  19. Happy Birthday, "As Dear As Salt". And congratulations, Richa. Your blog is innovative and written with such obvious love for food!

  20. Congragulations.
    Isn't it great blogging and i think ppl forget how much time we spend on doing it, ofcourse it is all fun.
    Love the apricot too.

  21. A big congratulations Richa!! :) You have a beautiful blog and your pictures are awesome too.. looking fwd to many more years of your recipes.
    The apricots look so elegant.

  22. YAAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS Richa! Love your blog and keep doing what you do best in many many languages you know! HaHaHa!!
    I just got up and started commenting and there are somany already here!
    Beautiful dessert to have, enjoy!:)

  23. Way to go Peachy girl. Congrats on completing one full year! The dessert looks incredibly cute. Looking forward to more of your beautiful & tasty creations.

  24. Richa dear, congrats on your blogversary...your space here has become such a dear place to be...wish you many more happy years of blogging ahead :-)

  25. Happy Birthday to you! lovely post... hey - we're still babies, lol!

  26. Congratulations, Richa!! way to go ! It's been wonderful getting to know you and looking forward to see more yum recipes in the years to come :))

  27. Richa, I have an award for you on my blog.. Happy Anniv.. yet again.

  28. Congrats! that was indeed a truly delicious year. Wishing you many more to come.

  29. Congrats on the first anniversary of your blog. Keep up the good work. Love the pics and your writing style.

  30. Congratulations Richa. Pics look so tempting.

  31. Mes vives Félicitations! un joyeux anniversaire et une bonne continuation ...Peach looks delicious :)

  32. Congrats on century!!!Loads to come more from you lady !!!!Can i have one of those in the plate....please

  33. Congrats on completing one year. Thats a great achievement. The first yr is always the hardest, isnt it.

  34. Happy 1st birthday to your blog from mine!! :-)
    Best wishes to you from me!! :-)

  35. Hey dearie..

    My heartiest congrats on the feat! I side you 200% of how "good" addiction blogging can be :)

    One not only gets to talk about their 'loved ones' ;-), eat and laugh around it but also make wonderful friends....Good to see u going great guns and my wishes for pepping it up with many more :)

  36. thanks sig!
    indeed we were young when we met and it has been a fun ride all along! always look forward to ur encouraging sweet messages :)

  37. thanks seema!
    glad you liked it dear!

  38. thanks nags!
    ur sweet words bring a smile to my face :)

  39. merci!
    enjoy the sweets.....

  40. thanks tc!
    yup peach and many more in my list of fav fruits he!he!
    always nice to see ya around :)

  41. thanks srivalli!
    appreciate ur generous words!
    yes, we all miss her, don't we?

  42. thanks sia!
    thanks for ur sweet words of encouragement all thru out, means a lot to me.
    a hug from me too!

  43. thanks shyam!
    what a nice thing to say :)

  44. thanks saswati!
    ur sweet words brought a smile to my face & look forward to seeing u around :)

  45. thanks padmaja!
    so sweet of you to drop by

  46. thanks nupur!
    ur generous words mean a lot to me, thank you.

  47. thanks hc!
    yup it sure is fun dear.

  48. thanks laav!
    appreciate ur kind words for my blog & look forward to more fun times with you around.

  49. thanks asha!
    oh yes, my love for languages is strong as ever he!he! thanks for being around!

  50. thanks sunita!
    ur kind words mean a lot to me dear :)

  51. thanks kribha!
    always a pleasure having u around, ur kind words make it all worthwhile.

  52. thanks pravs!
    nice knowing u too, am proud to be in company of great cooks like ya :)

  53. thanks alpa!
    where's the dhokla?

  54. thanks isg!
    good to see ya around

  55. thanks cham!
    soyez bienvenus à mon blog.
    appréciez des mots gentils ur.

  56. thanks vimmi!
    it sure has been a fun year.

  57. thanks meera, from me as well as my blog ;)
    see ya ...

  58. thanks dk!
    appreciate ur kind words!
    yes, it has been fun.

  59. Congrats dearest Richa! You're blog absolutely rocks - your malai toast is veyr much our favorite in our home and i love all your posts! They have so much enthusiasm in them!
    Hugs to you and ADAS!

  60. Congrats, Richa! Loved your notes about the past year!

  61. Congratulations on completing a fabulous, fun-filled year, Richa. Here's wishing you many more.:-)

  62. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Looking forward to many more anniversaries!!!

  63. Félicitations! Avez - fun Mademosoielle( My french is not very good) !! Peaches look great!

  64. Congratulations...wishing u many more fun filled blogging years

  65. first time here...lovely blog..congratulations.

  66. Congrats Richa and As dear as Salt for a rocking year...

  67. many congratulations and keep up the great work!! here's wishing you many more!!


  69. congratulations and happy anniversary to one of my favourite blogs and bloggers.

  70. Congratulations Richa. I look forward to another year of your wonderful recipes. Thanks for all of your efforts.

  71. congrats richa and beautiful apricots

  72. Congratulations Richa. Love the pictures :). All the best for coming years.

  73. Wow, congratulations. Your photos are so wonderful. I am suddenly hungry for sweet things now.

  74. Congratulations, girl!!!! Wishing you many more years of happy blogging... have fun!

  75. Congratulations, Richa! The time sure does go fast, doesn't it?
    Lovely apricots. Those look like they are fresh. I've had the Australian glazed ones. A great treat for a great occasion!

  76. Congratulations to ADAS on its first birthday, hope to see never ending food journey on your blog for all the coming years, I love your blog too much . Keep the good work going on , and make more treats for our eyes, this dessert is looking great with colors :) .
    Hugs to you Dear Richa :).

  77. CONGRATULATIONS!!! and you are right, it does sound better in French :)

    Here's to many more delicious years of food blogging.

  78. Congrats Richa...
    I have often visited ur blog before but never left a msg... Ur blog is just too good and the food are exceptional...

  79. Congratulations...Richa....Chocolate-apricots looks perfect....

  80. Happy Blog-anniversary, dear Richa! Here's to another year of your wonderful photos and recipes and saving on that electric bill ;)

  81. COngratulations!! May you have many more years of such beautiful blogging! Great WORK RICHA!

  82. Hi Richa,
    Congrats on blog anniversary, looking forward to see more recipes.

  83. Felicitations!!! This is a wonderful recipe to celebrate.
    its been such a long time since i visited any of the blogs or updated mine...but i ma glad i did not miss this one.
    Keep the fabulous recipes coming! :)

  84. Hello Richa

    Firstly congratulate you on your successful blogging and wish you many more.
    Its nice to visit your site and take the opportunity to invite you to mine.

  85. Congrats Richa... keep blogging!! Bravo!

  86. Hi Richa,

    My name is Shannon and I'm the editorial assistant at Following up on a recent email invitation to be a part of our newly launched Foodbuzz Featured Publisher program, I just want to reiterate that I am very impressed with the quality of your posts. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at


    Shannon Eliot
    Editorial Assistant,

  87. Hey Richa, sorry for being last but i don't want 2 miss the opportunity 2 congratulate you for being 1
    Great going girl....
    All the best

  88. Congratulations, Richa. I love your blog and your photos. Bravo! Looking forward to many more posts
